Local Fairest Coordinators
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Local Fairest Coordinators

Fairest Program Contact Information

If you are a Fairest of the Fairs Coordinator on the local level we ask that you complete the form below whenever you have a change in contact information for your program. Otherwise, each June, we will send a reminder to verify your contact information we have one file.

If you have more than one contact, please fill out the form for each person. We do ask whether or not we can share your contact information with other local coordinators. Those that mark "yes" will be on a master list to be shared with all Fairest coordinators. If you mark "no" you will receive updates, but your information will not be shared.

Contact information about the WI FOTF program will always be sent to the Fair Secretary, as it has been in the past, but we plan on adding the coordinators to the same e-mails to keep everyone up to date with program information.

Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that WAF has received your contact information. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail please follow up with the WAF office at info@wifairs.com.

If you are replacing someone on your Fairest Committee and they need to be removed from the database, please include their name in the notes section.

Local Fairest Coordinator Contact Information

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