WAF Fairest of the Fairs Committee
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WAF Fairest of the Fairs Committee

The Wisconsin Association of Fairs (WAF) accepts applications for anyone interested in serving on the Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs (WI FOTF) Committee from January 1 to January 31 of the current year. The application will only be available during that time.

Committee requirements to serve on the committee are listed below. Please contact the WAF office at info@wifairs.com if you have any questions.

The Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs (WI FOTF) Committee is made up of volunteers from our fair industry that are in good standing with our organization. To be eligible to serve on this committee an application form must be completed. All applications will be reviewed and the WAF Board will make the final recommendation as to who serves on the committee. Not all applications received will be selected due to the limited number of members that serve on the committee.

WAF Fairest of the Fairs Committee Requirements

Key: WAF – Wisconsin Association of Fairs; WI FOTF – Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs; WSF – Wisconsin State Fair

1. Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs Committee Goals

a. To develop and support the WI FOTF program for WAF and WSF.

b. To guide and enhance the duties of the WI FOTF with the promotion of the educational, agricultural, social, cultural and commercial opportunities at Wisconsin’s county, district and state fairs.

c. To create a contest, that is held during the WAF Convention, that will enhance each contestant and get them ready for their next step; whether that is becoming the next WI FOTF, their next job interview, public speaking event or becoming a fair board member. We want them each to shine wherever their path leads them.

d. To support fairest of the fair programs throughout the state by assisting with resources, networking opportunities, workshops and materials to support their local programs.

2. Committee Membership

a. Program leadership (three leg stool) consists of a Committee Chair, WAF Secretary/Treasurer, WSF Liaison(s).

b. Two WAF Board of Director Liaisons

c. To consist of flexible number of members with a minimum of one per district.

d. Current WI FOTF.

e. Application and appointment by WAF Board of Directors.

f. All committee members must be WI residents.

3. Committee Duties (all duties mentioned are a collaboration of the committee)

a. Committee members must maintain a high level of integrity and commit to strict confidentially regarding sensitive information of the program and the contestants.

b. Coordinate efforts with the Wisconsin State Fair for this program.

c. Conduct the WI FOTF contest at the annual WAF convention held in January.

i. Create and coordinate annual contest.

ii. Provide recommendations of rules and regulations for the WI FOTF contest.

iii. Communicate with assigned contestants prior to contest.

iv. Supervise and work with contestants during contest in a variety of ways including serving as a lead person for specific activities.

v. Create & present workshops to enhance each contestant.

vi. Create a fun and engaging atmosphere for the contest.

vii. Be available at the contest from Saturday evening committee meeting through Wednesday finals (typically 7am-10pm). This means you have limited participation in the WAF Convention programming.

viii. Coordinate workshop for local county fairest coordinators under the direction of the committee chair.

d. Provide recommendations of rules and regulations for the WI FOTF program.

e. Provide suggested guidelines for local fair contests.

f. Provide support to all local fairest programs.

g. Create program education and support documents, videos, brochures and other materials for the WI FOTF program and to assist local fairest programs. Work on these projects usually become tasks that are worked on throughout the year and require time outside of committee meetings & convention.

h. Be available to attend at least one day at the WSF, held annually in the beginning of August, to assist & escort WI FOTF and Fairest reunion day.

i. Solicit sponsorships on behalf of the WI FOTF Committee for the WI FOTF Program.

4. Meetings

a. Contest Prep Meeting, Saturday Evening prior to WI FOTF Contest.

b. Spring, Summer & Fall committee meetings, usually a minimum of four hours each.

c. Project meetings are organized as needed with volunteers from the committee.

5. WAF Reimbursement

a. Per diem and mileage for spring and fall committee meetings following the WAF Board guidelines.

b. Other committee project meetings subject to approval for mileage and per diem.

c. Each committee will receive coverage of ½ of a standard hotel room expense at convention. Committee members are encouraged to share a room.

d. Meals at convention are provided as part of the WI FOTF contest.

e. Provide one piece of approved logo apparel. Additional pieces are at your own expense.

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