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Trade Show

2025 Trade Show Participants

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Trade Show Booth Contract Regulations:

The trade show will take place in Ballrooms A-I. This area is on the main floor of the convention facility and will accommodate all Associate booths in the same area. During trade show hours, we keep our other events to a minimum, such as workshops. We want to give our fairs every opportunity to meet with you.

Setup and Tear Down Hours:

Booth setup can be done on Monday, January 6 from 9AM – 1:00PM.

Booths are to be cleared between 4:00PM and 6:00PM on Tuesday January 7.

Booths are to be OPEN AND STAFFED during the following hours:

Monday, January 6, 1:00PM – 4:00PM

Tuesday, January 7, 12:00PM – 3:00PM

All signed booth contracts are due by November 15, via the online registration form. Those received by the deadline will be assigned first based on deadlines met, sponsorship(s), trade show history, and at the discretion of the WAF board of directors and the Executive Director. Contracts received after the deadline will be filled as booths are available. Booths are available to paid WAF Associate Members only.

Reservations will be accepted upon receipt of a signed application form and payment of fee in full to the WAF, until all are filled. Those accepted will receive a confirmation after December 18 with a map of their location. No refunds in the case of cancellation or no-show unless space can be resold by Association.

Booth fee for an 8' deep and 10' wide booth will be $400.00, which must be paid in full with application. This fee includes a convention registration fee for one individual. We also require a $100 security deposit to assure you will follow the rules and hours of the trade show. You can send a separate check for the security deposit, or if you register online, agree to provide credit card information when you register on-site and we will hold your security deposit on the credit card during the convention. All members following the rules of the trade show and remaining set up until the close of the show, which is 3:00PM on Tuesday, will receive their deposit back following the convention. If not in separate check form, the $100 deposit will be forfeited.

Included in the booth will be a 2' x 8' draped and skirted table and one chair. The Chula Vista Resort has wireless internet throughout the facility. If you require 110-volt electricity, an additional $25 fee is due to the WAF by November 15.Electricity requests made after the deadline will be charged a fee of $100. You are responsible for providing your own electrical cord.

An exhibitor may not sublet or substitute another exhibitor in the assigned booth space. No exhibitors can share/split the cost of the booth. If done, a total fee will be assessed each exhibitor.

Space is guaranteed with a paid reservation. No security will be provided for items in booths. You are responsible for all items left in booth during open and closed hours. Booth exhibitors not adhering to booth regulations may be excluded from future trade shows at the discretion of the WAF.

WAF, through the chairperson assigned, has full power to interpret and enforce the regulations written herein.

Exhibitor and/or their representative(s) agrees to:

  • Observe set-up, takedown and open staffed times; booth assignment; and other regulations as set by the WAF. Failure to follow all of these will cause the forfeit of the $100.00 security deposit in addition to the booth rental fee of $400.00.
  • Accept sole responsibility for damage and/or loss of their merchandise and their personal property during the convention.
  • Indemnify and hold harmless the WAF, Chula Vista Resort, and their agents and employees, from any mysterious disappearances, theft, fire or any damage or liability of any kind to exhibitor or exhibitor's possessions which arise out of booth use.
  • Indemnify and hold harmless the WAF, Chula Vista Resort, their agents and employees, for any and all liabilities, claims, causes of action, etc., arising out of or caused by exhibitor's booth during the convention.
  • No security will be provided before, during or after the trade show and/or the convention. This is a non-secured area.
  • Associates are limited to one trade show booth per membership until after the November 15 deadline to allow all Associates an opportunity to have a booth in the trade show. After November 15, if the trade show is not sold out, additional booth requests will be assigned. It is recommended that if you desire more than one booth, you make that reservation with your original registration. The Executive Director will assign the additional requests once all first booths are fulfilled and notify the Associate Member if the additional booth space requests cannot be made.
  • Any non-human live creatures displayed must be tethered or caged at all times. Copy of proof of insurance must be provided if displaying live creatures.
  • Trade Show exhibitors must vacate the trade show and their booth when the trade show is not open. If you request access to your booth outside of the trade show hours, you must connect with the WAF office or registration desk.
  • All noise from your booth should be kept to a level where neighboring booths are still able to conduct business with convention attendees. No “sound enhancements” are permitted.
  • Your display and business should be conducted within your assigned 8’x10’ booth space. Strolling in the trade show area is not permitted.

Any other additional equipment must be ordered in advance directly from and paid for directly to the Chula Vista Resort. Their detailed information as well as shipping address will be included in your booth confirmation letter you receive in December.

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